In "Beyond the Gallery Wall", Jason Ohler explains that an ARt gallery is an augmented reality art gallery where real life is blended with virtual reality. It involves using a mobile device or tablet to look at something in real life, like a piece f art, which triggers a digital overlay of to show up on the device's screen. This basically means that you can hold your device up to a piece of art and a video or sound clip could pop up and explain why the artist chose that subject, or a new piece of art could show up on your screen and merge the two pieces together. There are a number of possibilities with this combination of real life and virtual reality. This type of art was created with the intention of reaching out to a generation of technologically reliant people. After downloading the software to view artwork from an ARt gallery, the access to the art itself is easy. Viewers then point their devices at art and nameplates, and the ARt overlay is triggered. This type of art offers new and unique opportunity for artists to express themselves.
I think this new type of art is amazing. Some of the things you can do with it are unbelievable. It would definitely be something I would love to go see and try for myself. This could be something that, if your school had the money for it, you could create for your entire school to participate in. It is a great way to get students involved in art, through technology. It is also connects with students in a way that a lot of art does not. It uses phones and ipads that students love so much now of days.
ARt pushes students to think creatively while using their devices and viewing art. It also encourages them to be creative in their own art. This definitely hits the ISTE student standard #1, creativity and innovation. ARt requires students to create original works and apply existing knowledge to make new art. It also follows standard #2, communication and collaboration. Students use a variety of media and formats to an audience. ARt requires thinking critically about the types of audiences and the different types of devices, and how to adapt to different types of devices. This touches standard #4 and standard #6 is also fulfilled through this art.
Ohler, J. (2014). Beyond the gallery wall. Learning & Leading with Technology, 41(6), 16-21.
This is definitely an interesting invention. I totally agree with you that its new and exciting and can reignite the creativity in kids that is sometimes lost. This provides so much stimulation for students instead of just looking at a piece of art this program allows them to dig deeper and really pick apart its meaning. I think its biggest value would be to bring up things about the artist and the origin of the painting as well as its intended meaning so students can compare it to their own thoughts and go a little further with their analysis. Technology seems to be dipping its toes into every aspect of our lives we need to use it to our advantage while also appreciating the physical world in which the art was created. Great reflection!